Dark tales and bold choices - 🗁 Case File 003 🗁 - Radio Comm Transcript (2nd Rescue Team)

Dark tales and bold choices - 🗁 Case File 003 🗁 - Radio Comm Transcript (2nd Rescue Team)

= Dark tales and bold choices =

- 🗁 Case Files 003 🗁 -

- Radio Comm Transcript (2nd Rescue Team) - 


Source of file: cloud file uploaded from radio recorder on boat (automated unaltered transcript)

Subject: 2nd rescue team arrival at helicopter crash
Date: 13 October 2020
Agent: Mayer, John
Agent: Caster, Felicia
- Could you repeat that, please. Over.
- Yes. I know it sounds absurd, that is what we have here. I repeat: giant stony tentacle coming out of the water. Over.
- T as in Tango. Over.
- Confirmed. Over.
- Tango Echo November Tango Alfa Charlie Lima Echo Sierra. Tentacles. Over.
- Exactly. They seem to be some sort of stone structure, moving around the surface. Over.
- Making it clear, we are still looking for an underwater crash site from Aidan's chopper, correct? Over.
- Correct. Over.
- Care to explain how that got us talking about artistic structures floating around the ocean?. Over.
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